Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Red squirrel in Manorhamilton!

I was sitting in my car yesterday, getting ready to drive, when I saw a Red Squirrel jump from the roof of a house and cross the main street in Manorhamilton right in front of me. It was pretty surreal!
If anybody else has seen a Red Squirrel in the town, please let me know.


  1. Hi there. Good to hear you have seen a Red Squirrel. I live in Toronto, Canada, and earlier this year, my wife, Jean, and I were in Ireland where we came upon the rarely seen Red Squirrel. They actually look somewhat like our Canadian Red Squirrels, but boy, do they have long ears! We were shocked to learn that Ireland’s Red squirrels are contracting the pox virus from Grey Squirrels, and dying. We have many Grey squirrels here in our Canadian backyard, to many!!! We have posted some of our pictures and video from Ireland for anyone interested at: http://frametoframe.ca/photo-essay-red-grey-squirrels-canada-ireland
